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autism: it´s not just for boys

Using interactive data visualization to promote discussions in autism research about girls and women with autism.

Data Visualization of autism research.


Literature review, Data Analysis, Data Visualization


Html, Javascript, Tableau, Excel


Sara Milkes Espinosa (Data analaysis and visualization, programming), Stephanie Lee (data analysis, video)


Februrary 2021 to May 2021

Problem Space

Researchers have focused their efforts in studying boys and men with autism which has resulted in research built on majority male samples, leaving us with little information on how autism is presented in females with autism. We seek to promote discussions  among autism researchers and provide visualization tools for families of girls with autism to bring attention to this matter.


Analyze a meta- review dataset collected by the CDC reviewing autism studies carried out

around the world from 1966 to 2020. The dataset contains 192 entries recording variables such as country, duration of the study, research methods, and other characteristics of the populations surveyed.

Our goal is to use the power of storytelling with data visualizations to empower girls and women on the spectrum, support their parents/guardians/ and advocates, and challenge researchers and public health administrators to address female autism in their conversations and research

Tasks we support

Identify historical trends in autism research with girls and women 

Compare studies across different years and countries

In depth Interviews


Verify and contest research findings form other publications

Explore kinds of methods used in studies looking at sex differences in autism


Our dashboards have received hundreds of visits! We deployed a website to enable a narrative description of our project here.

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